We Can Work it Out 【恋を抱きしめよう】- The Beatles
composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney ©1965 Northern Songs Ltd.
John Lennon (1980)
Paul did the first half, I did the middle-eight. But you’ve got Paul writing, 'We can work it out/ We can work it out’ real optimistic, you know. And me, impatient, 'Life is very short and there’s no time/ for fussing and fighting, my friend.’
アタマ半分はポールで、ミドルエイトは僕が書いた。ポールは楽観的に’We can work it out/ We can work it out’。で、僕はじれったく感じて’Life is very short and there’s no time/ for fussing and fighting, my friend.’ってね。
Paul did the first half, I did the middle-eight. But you’ve got Paul writing, 'We can work it out/ We can work it out’ real optimistic, you know. And me, impatient, 'Life is very short and there’s no time/ for fussing and fighting, my friend.’
アタマ半分はポールで、ミドルエイトは僕が書いた。ポールは楽観的に’We can work it out/ We can work it out’。で、僕はじれったく感じて’Life is very short and there’s no time/ for fussing and fighting, my friend.’ってね。
Paul McCartney (1994)
I wrote it as more of an up-tempo thing, country and western. I had the basic idea, the title, had a couple of verses… then I took it to John to finish it off and we wrote the middle together, which is nice– 'Life is very short/ And there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.’ Then it was George Harrison’s idea to put the middle into waltz time, like a german waltz… The lyrics might have been personal. It is often a good way to talk to someone or to work your thoughts out. It saves you going to a psychiatrist, you allow yourself to say what you might not say in person.
カントリー&ウェスタンみたいなアップテンポの曲を書こうと思って基本的なアイデアを練ってた。タイトルと、ちょっとした歌詞を作ってジョンの所に持っていったんだ。そして一緒にミドルエイトを作った。’Life is very short/ And there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.’の部分をね。とても良かったよ。そしたらジョージ・ハリスンがこの部分をワルツにしたらどうだろうってアイデアを出してくれたんだ。歌詞そのものは個人的なことで、歌は誰かに話しかけたり考えを成就させたりするのにはいい方法なんだ。精神科医のお世話になる必要もないし、面と向かって言いにくいことでも言えちゃうからね。
I wrote it as more of an up-tempo thing, country and western. I had the basic idea, the title, had a couple of verses… then I took it to John to finish it off and we wrote the middle together, which is nice– 'Life is very short/ And there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.’ Then it was George Harrison’s idea to put the middle into waltz time, like a german waltz… The lyrics might have been personal. It is often a good way to talk to someone or to work your thoughts out. It saves you going to a psychiatrist, you allow yourself to say what you might not say in person.
カントリー&ウェスタンみたいなアップテンポの曲を書こうと思って基本的なアイデアを練ってた。タイトルと、ちょっとした歌詞を作ってジョンの所に持っていったんだ。そして一緒にミドルエイトを作った。’Life is very short/ And there’s no time for fussing and fighting my friend.’の部分をね。とても良かったよ。そしたらジョージ・ハリスンがこの部分をワルツにしたらどうだろうってアイデアを出してくれたんだ。歌詞そのものは個人的なことで、歌は誰かに話しかけたり考えを成就させたりするのにはいい方法なんだ。精神科医のお世話になる必要もないし、面と向かって言いにくいことでも言えちゃうからね。
My Recording Data
HostApple iMac MC509J/A
ApplicationApple Logic Pro 10.1.1
Audio I/FRoland UA-55
Tr.1 :: Drums
- Channel EQ > Compressor > Space D > Limiter
Tr.2 :: Tambourine
- Plastic Frame – Headless
- Channel EQ > Space D > Limiter
Tr.3 :: Bass
- Hofner 500/1 Vintage 62 (treble=off, bass=on, solo)
- Guitar Rig > Compressor
Tr.4 :: A.Guitar
- Channel EQ > Compressor > Sample Delay
Tr.5 :: Harmonium 1
- KONTAKT 5 – Harmonium
- Channel EQ > Stereo Spread
Tr.6 :: Harmonium 2
- East West FAB FOUR – Harmonium
- Channel EQ > Spreader
- 軽いフランジングのために2トラック使った。
2015.04.29: version 2.0
2004.05.29: version 1.0
- 宅録日記・We Can Work It Out 02 (2025/03/15)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 – SINGLE COLLECTION総括 (2015/07/19)
- We Can Work it Out 【恋を抱きしめよう】- The Beatles (2015/04/29)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 346 (2015/04/29)
- Wikipedia English, 日本語
- The Beatles Interviews Database