Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles
composed by George Harrison ©1969 Harrisongs Ltd.
ビートルズが1969年にリリースしたアルバムABBEY ROADの7曲目。LP盤ではB面の1曲目。ジョージ・ハリスンの作品。
George Harrison 1969
It was written on a nice sunny day this early summer, in Eric Clapton’s garden. We’d been through hell with business, and on that day I just felt as though I was sagging off, like from school, it was like that. I just didn’t come in one day. And just the release of being in the sun and it was just a really nice day. And that song just came. It’s a bit like If I Needed Someone, you know, like that basic sort of riff going through it is the same as all those 'Bells Of Rhymney’ sort of Byrd-type things.
It was written on a nice sunny day this early summer, in Eric Clapton’s garden. We’d been through hell with business, and on that day I just felt as though I was sagging off, like from school, it was like that. I just didn’t come in one day. And just the release of being in the sun and it was just a really nice day. And that song just came. It’s a bit like If I Needed Someone, you know, like that basic sort of riff going through it is the same as all those 'Bells Of Rhymney’ sort of Byrd-type things.
George Harrison 1980
Written at a time when Apple was getting like school, where we had to go and be businessmen– all this signing accounts, and 'sign this’ and 'sign that.’ Anyway, it seems as if winter in England goes on forever; by the time spring comes you really deserve it. So one day I decided, 'I’m going to sag-off Apple,’ and I went over to Eric Clapton’s house. I was walking in his garden. The relief of not having to go and see all those dopey accountants was wonderful. And I was walking around the garden with one of Eric’s acoustic guitars, and wrote 'Here Comes The Sun.’
Written at a time when Apple was getting like school, where we had to go and be businessmen– all this signing accounts, and 'sign this’ and 'sign that.’ Anyway, it seems as if winter in England goes on forever; by the time spring comes you really deserve it. So one day I decided, 'I’m going to sag-off Apple,’ and I went over to Eric Clapton’s house. I was walking in his garden. The relief of not having to go and see all those dopey accountants was wonderful. And I was walking around the garden with one of Eric’s acoustic guitars, and wrote 'Here Comes The Sun.’
My Recording Data
HostApple iMac MC509J/A
ApplicationApple Logic Pro 10.0.7
Audio I/FRoland UA-55
Tr.1 :: Drums
- KONTAKT 5 – Abbey Road 60s Drummer – Late 60 Kit
- Chan EQ > Space D > Limiter
Tr.2 :: Drums 2
- KONTAKT 5 – Abbey Road 60s Drummer – Late 60 Kit
- Chan EQ > Space D > Limiter
- フィルインでオーバーダビングされてる(と思われる)タム。L-ch寄り。
Tr.3 :: Drums 3
- KONTAKT 5 – Abbey Road 60s Drummer – Late 60 Kit
- Chan EQ > Space D > Limiter
- ハンドクラップ。R-ch寄り。
Tr.4 :: Bass
- Rickenbacker 4001 C64 (front v10 t10 + rear v10 t10)
- Guitar Rig > Multi Pressor > Channel EQ > Limiter
Tr.5 :: A.Guiitar 1
- Channel EQ > Space D > ADT
Tr.6 :: A.Guiitar 2
- Channel EQ
- たまに入るアルペジオっぽい単音フレーズのサポート
Tr.7 :: E.Guitar
- Gibson Les Paul Traditional (Rhythm v10 t10)
- Guitar Rig > Channel EQ > ADT
- A.Guitar 2とユニゾン
Tr.8 :: Organ
- Vintage B3 (Logic)
- Sample Delay
Tr.9 :: Synthesizer 1

- Arturia minimoog V
- Channel EQ > ADT > Space D
Tr.10 :: Synthesizer 2

- Arturia minimoog V
- Channel EQ > ADT > Space D
Tr.11 :: Stings 1
- KONTAKT 5 – String Ensemble
Tr.12 :: Stings 2
- exs24 – Arco Strings
- Strings 1のサポート。速いアタックが欲しい箇所だけ。
2014.07.28: version 2.0.2
2014.07.24: version 2.0.1
2014.07.17: version 2.0
2005.10.09: version 1.1 (Guitarをアコースティックに差し替え)
2004.02.02: version 1.0
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 – ABBEY ROAD総括 (2014/09/07)
- Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles (2014/07/28)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 264 (2014/07/28)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 263 (2014/07/24)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 260 (2014/07/17)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 259 (2014/07/15)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 258 (2014/07/13)
- Wikipedia English, 日本語
- The Beatles Interviews Database