Helter Skelter – The Beatles
composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney ©1968 Northern Songs Ltd.
底まで落ちたら 階段のてっぺんに戻って
そこで止まって 回って また乗りに行って
底に落ちて また君に会う
ビートルズが1968年にリリースしたアルバムTHE BEATLES (White Album)の23曲目。クレジットはLennon – McCartneyだが、実質的にはポール・マッカートニーの作品である。
Helter Skelterはイギリスだと遊園地などにある大型の滑り台のことを指すが、この言葉には「あたふた」「めちゃくちゃ」といった意味もある。
ラストの"I’ve got blisters on my fingers (指にまめができちゃった)"という絶叫はリンゴ・スター。
Paul McCartney (1968)
Umm, that came about just 'cuz I’d read a review of a record which said, 'And this group really got us wild, there’s echo on everything, they’re screaming their heads off.’ And I just remember thinking, 'Oh, it’d be great to do one. Pity they’ve done it. Must be great– really screaming record.’ And then I heard their record and it was quite straight, and it was very sort of sophisticated. It wasn’t rough and screaming and tape echo at all. So I thought, 'Oh well, we’ll do one like that, then.’ And I had this song called 'Helter Skelter’ which is just a ridiculous song. So we did it like that, 'cuz I like noise.
Umm, that came about just 'cuz I’d read a review of a record which said, 'And this group really got us wild, there’s echo on everything, they’re screaming their heads off.’ And I just remember thinking, 'Oh, it’d be great to do one. Pity they’ve done it. Must be great– really screaming record.’ And then I heard their record and it was quite straight, and it was very sort of sophisticated. It wasn’t rough and screaming and tape echo at all. So I thought, 'Oh well, we’ll do one like that, then.’ And I had this song called 'Helter Skelter’ which is just a ridiculous song. So we did it like that, 'cuz I like noise.
John Lennon (1980)
That’s Paul completely. All that (Charles) Manson stuff was built 'round George’s song about pigs and this one… Paul’s song about an English fairground. It has nothing to do with anything, and least of all to do with me.
That’s Paul completely. All that (Charles) Manson stuff was built 'round George’s song about pigs and this one… Paul’s song about an English fairground. It has nothing to do with anything, and least of all to do with me.
Paul McCartney (1985)
The Who had made some track that was the loudest, the most raucous rock 'n roll, the dirtiest thing they’d ever done. It made me think, 'Right. Got to do it.’ I like that kind of geeking up. And we decided to do the loudest, nastiest, sweatiest rock number we could.
The Who had made some track that was the loudest, the most raucous rock 'n roll, the dirtiest thing they’d ever done. It made me think, 'Right. Got to do it.’ I like that kind of geeking up. And we decided to do the loudest, nastiest, sweatiest rock number we could.
My Recording Data
HostApple iMac MC509J/A
ApplicationApple Logic Pro 10.0.1
Audio I/FRoland UA-55
Tr.1 :: Drums
- KONTAKT 5 – Abbey Road 60s Drummer – Late 60 Kit
- Chan EQ > Space Dsn > ADT > Limiter
Tr.2 :: Bass
- FGN NCJB-10R (P.U. select = front + rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ
- フルトーンでゴリゴリとピック弾き。Rickenbackerのような音にも聴こえるんだけど、いろんな資料見るとジョンがFender Bass VIを弾いてるという説が支配的なのでジャズベを使った。
Tr.3 :: E.Guitar 1
- Epiphone Elitist CASINO (P.U. select = rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ > ADT > Exciter
- コードをジャカジャカと
Tr.4 :: E.Guitar 2
- Gibson Les Paul Traditional (P.U. select = rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ > ADT > Exciter
- 5、6弦主体。音数は少なめ。
Tr.5 :: E.Guitar 3
- Epiphone Elitist CASINO (P.U. select = rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ > ADT > Exciter
- リードパート
Tr.6 :: Guitar Feedback 1
- Epiphone Elitist CASINO (P.U. select = rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ > ADT > Exciter
- 僕の宅録はアンプを使わないのでフィードバック音が出せない。仕方がないので擬似的に作成。
Tr.7 :: Guitar Feedback 2
- Gibson Les Paul Traditional (P.U. select = rear)
- Guitar Rig > Chan EQ > ADT > Exciter
- Tr.6とはちょっと音色の違うフィードバック
Tr.8 :: Trumpet
- exs24 – Trumpets
- Mod. Delay > Space Dsn
- 一旦リタルダンドしてギターのフィードバックから再開して以降に入っているトランペット。コードスケールを完全に無視したフレーズなので音を拾うのが大変…。
Tr.9 :: Alto Sax
- exs24 – Alto Sax
- Mod. Delay > Space Dsn
- Tr.8のトランペットと同じく、適当に鳴っている感じのパート。
Tr.10 :: SE

- Kid’s Chair
- 1:31あたり。ギターの間奏が始まる直前に「プープー」っていう音が聞こえる。素性不明なんだけど子供が座ってる椅子の音に似てる気がしたのでこの椅子の音を録った。
2013.08.06: version 2.0 published
2003.09.13: version 1.0 published
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 – THE BEATLES (White Album)総括 (2013/11/24)
- Helter Skelter – The Beatles (2013/08/06)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 197 (2013/08/06)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 196 (2013/08/04)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 195 (2013/08/01)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 194 (2013/07/30)
- Wikipedia English, 日本語
- The Beatles Interviews Database