Honey Pie – The Beatles
composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney ©1968 Northern Songs Ltd.
ビートルズが1968年にリリースしたアルバムTHE BEATLES (White Album)の26曲目。クレジットはLennon-McCartneyだが、実質的にはポール・マッカートニーの作品である。
Paul McCartney (1968)
My dad’s always played fruity old songs like that, you know. And I liked 'em. I like the melody of old songs, and the lyrics actually as well. There’s some old lyrics, like, you know– the woman singing about the man, and she’s saying something about 'I wanna have his initial on my monogram.’ You know what I mean? There’s good lyrics and just good thoughts that you don’t sort of hear so much these days, you know. And so, I would quite like to have been a 1920’s writer, 'cuz I like that thing, you know. Umm, you know, up in top hat and tails and sort of coming-on to 'em. So this kind of number, I like that thing. But, uhh… So this is just me doing it, pretending I’m living in 1925.
My dad’s always played fruity old songs like that, you know. And I liked 'em. I like the melody of old songs, and the lyrics actually as well. There’s some old lyrics, like, you know– the woman singing about the man, and she’s saying something about 'I wanna have his initial on my monogram.’ You know what I mean? There’s good lyrics and just good thoughts that you don’t sort of hear so much these days, you know. And so, I would quite like to have been a 1920’s writer, 'cuz I like that thing, you know. Umm, you know, up in top hat and tails and sort of coming-on to 'em. So this kind of number, I like that thing. But, uhh… So this is just me doing it, pretending I’m living in 1925.
George Harrison (1987)
John played a brilliant solo on 'Honey Pie’ –sounded like Django Reinhardt or something. It was one of them where you just close your eyes and happen to hit all the right notes… sounded like a little jazz solo.
John played a brilliant solo on 'Honey Pie’ –sounded like Django Reinhardt or something. It was one of them where you just close your eyes and happen to hit all the right notes… sounded like a little jazz solo.
Paul McCartney (1994)
I very much liked that old crooner style– the strange fruity voice that they used, so 'Honey Pie’ was me writing one of them to an imaginary woman, across the ocean, on the silver screen, who was called Honey Pie. It’s another of my fantasy songs. We put a sound on my voice to make it sound like a scratchy old record. So it’s not a parody, it’s a nod to the vaudville tradition that I was raised on.
I very much liked that old crooner style– the strange fruity voice that they used, so 'Honey Pie’ was me writing one of them to an imaginary woman, across the ocean, on the silver screen, who was called Honey Pie. It’s another of my fantasy songs. We put a sound on my voice to make it sound like a scratchy old record. So it’s not a parody, it’s a nod to the vaudville tradition that I was raised on.
My Recording Data
HostApple iMac MC509J/A
ApplicationApple Logic Pro 10.0.3
Audio I/FRoland UA-55
Tr.1 :: Drums 1
- exs24 – Real ACO Drum Brush Kit
- Chan EQ > Space D > Limiter
- キックとブラシスネア
Tr.2 :: Drums 2
- KONTAKT 5 – Abbey Road 60s Drummer – Late 60 Kit
- Chan EQ > Space D > Limiter
- ハイハットのみ
Tr.3 :: Piano
- exs24 – Steinway Grand Piano
- Channel EQ > Space D
- オンテンポになってからはペダルを一切踏まない。強打せず、軽快に。
Tr.4 :: Bass
- FGN NCJB-10R (P.U. select = front + rear)
- Guitar Rig
- ピック弾き。トーンは半分くらい。
Tr.5 :: E.Guitar 1
- Epiphone Elitist CASINO (P.U. select = front)
- Guitar Rig > Channel EQ > ADT > Exciter
- トーンは半分くらい。あまり強くピッキングしない感じで。
Tr.6 :: E.Guitar 2
- Epiphone Elitist CASINO (P.U. select = front)
- Guitar Rig > Channel EQ > ADT > Exciter
- 最初のフリーテンポの部分と間奏で登場するギター。ギター本体のセッティングはリズムパートと同じ。アンプ側でトレブルを若干落とした。
Tr.7 :: Alto Sax
- KONTAKT 5 – Alto Sax
Tr.8 :: Clarinet
- KONTAKT 5 – Clarinet Combi
Tr.9 :: Noise

- フリー素材
- アナログレコードのプチプチノイズ。シンセで作れそうな音だけど面倒なので拾ってきた。
2013.10.05: version 2.0.1
2013.10.04: version 2.0
2003.09.19: version 1.0
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 – THE BEATLES (White Album)総括 (2013/11/24)
- Honey Pie – The Beatles (2013/10/05)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 205 (2013/10/05)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 204 (2013/10/04)
- 宅録ビートルズ・2周目 203 (2013/10/01)
- Wikipedia English, 日本語
- The Beatles Interviews Database