The Beatoons – Yesterday – Alvarortega


The Beatoons and the world premier of live performance of the hit “Yesterday” at the ABC Theatre in Blackpool. Beatoon McCartney got some trouble with his acoustic guitar. Nothing that his bandmates can not fix, and “re use”. (Special episode for the author, because it tries to show one of my obsessions; the kind side versus the rebeld side of the Fab 4). We also got an special guest star singing ; the great JOE BAIARDI. So thank you Joe and Ryohei for the instrumental tracks. This is “Yesterday Never Knows”.

ブラックプールのABCシアターでThe Beatoonsが彼らのヒット曲「イエスタデイ」を演奏する。あれ?Beatoonマッカートニーのギターがなにかおかしいようだぞ?しかしこのバンドの仲間たちが。

Alvaro Ortega

Alvarortega氏によるThe BeatoonsのBeatoonsmaniaシリーズへの音源提供。




Collaboration Info.

withAlvaro Ortega, Joe Baiardi
my partsoundtrack
musicYesterday, Ticket To Ride
fromatmixed mp3, Ticket To Ride – new recording